How does it work ? SASI (SSTable attached secondary indexes)
Hello Cassandra Developer, Today, we will talk about how does indexes work into Cassandra, mainly about SASI. Motivation factor : It's help you to fulltext search It's can be get by secondary index on cassandra columns it's help you to get unpredicate search query on cassandra data model How does it work (SSTable - secondary indexes): Maintain complete indexes data into single SSTable( kind of concurrent thread safe map collection in java) Since it's single SSTable, it has memory issue and need good RAM when huge data. it's called as "Classic C* Indexes" Support few basic comparison operation ("="). It's based on SSTable format. Support into Cassandra older version (less than 3.3) SSTable need to play with memory & disk operation for indexes data. How does it work (SASI): Maintain the Token tree base format - (B tree collection concept in java) It's create the different separate SASI fo...