
Showing posts from February, 2010

Start Tomcat in Debug Mode

1)In the eclipse window, click on the debug icon, select "Remote Java Application" from the list of configurations. Right click on the "Remote Java Application" and create a new configuration for your application. On the right hand side, there will be three tabs, namely "Connect" ,"Source" and "Common". Click on the "Connect" tab and set the connection properties, host as "localhost" and port as "8000". 2) In the enviornment variables, add an entry jpda_address=8000;This is the default connection port used by eclipse when you try to connect to a remote VM for debug. 3)Open catalina.bat (inside the bin folder of tomcat) and search for "set JPDA_TRANSPORT". Set the value to dt_socket. 4)Open startup.bat(inside the bin folder of tomcat) and search for call "%EXECUTABLE%" start %CMD_LINE_ARGS%. Its at the end of the file. Replace this with call "%EXECUTABLE%" jpda start %CMD_LINE_A

Blackjack Game

Blackjack , also known as Twenty-one , Vingt-et-un ( French for Twenty-one), or Pontoon , is the most widely played casino banking game in the world. [ 1 ] The standard game is played with one or more Anglo-American decks containing 52 cards. The basic rules of the game involve adding the value of an initial two card hand in hopes of being dealt a value of twenty-one. If a value of less than twenty-one is dealt, the player may choose to be dealt single cards until they either reach a value of twenty one, reach a value they feel comfortable to play, or reach a value that exceeds twenty-one. The winner holds a hand with a value of, or nearest to, twenty-one without exceeding it. The game is played in many variations at casinos with different table rules. Much of blackjack's popularity is due to the mix of chance, skill, and the publicity that surrounds card counting (varying one's wager and playing strategy to take advantage of knowledge of the cards yet to be dealt). The c

Making money ways via the Internet

Joined InBetween de company

Its time to change field & industry. i joined InBetween Company and its located in pune. Enjoy Pune now .